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Missing Shingles After a Storm? Here’s What You Need to Know

Posted on March 21, 2024

Missing Shingles After a Storm? Here’s What You Need to Know

Living in Buffalo means experiencing challenging weather events throughout the year. Due to intense snow or rain storms, missing shingles are a common phenomenon. When you notice missing shingles from your roof it can be quite unsettling and seem to be a cause for concern. However, before you start panicking about possible leaks or structural damage, keep reading this guide on what to do regarding missing shingles on your roof after a storm. In this blog post, we will explain what causes missing shingles, and the steps you should be taking next.

What Do We Mean By Missing Shingles?

Missing Shingles

When we discuss missing shingles we’re referring to the absence or loss of the protective material on your roof. As the first line of defense against weather elements like rain, wind, heat, and snow, shingles play an essential role in maintaining your home’s integrity. When asphalt shingles or other types of roofing materials go missing after a storm, your roof is immediately vulnerable to damage. So, whenever you notice missing shingles, you need to take the proactive steps necessary to maintain the security of your home. 

Common Causes Of Missing Shingles

Asphalt shingles can withstand a substantial amount of wear and tear over time. However, certain factors contribute to their reduced effectiveness, such as wind damage and the other factors we’ve listed below. 

1. Poor Installation

For shingles to last an extended period of time, ensuring that they’re properly installed is a must. Shingles require proper nailing and alignment outlined by the manufacturers that created them. Different types of shingles have different guidance for nailing to enhance their susceptibility to wind damage. Therefore, your roofer needs to follow the installation guidance properly outlined by the shingle manufacturer. When choosing a roofing contractor, you should also ensure that you hire a skilled professional to ensure that your shingles last for years to come.  

2. Harsh Weather Conditions

Another cause of shingle blow-off is the harsh weather conditions in Buffalo. High winds and intense storms can cause shingles to lift, slowly causing them to pull away from the roof’s surface and eventually tear away altogether. This exposes the underlayment to further damage and creates an easy path for water to get into your attic and cause leaks. 

3. Aging and Gradual Deterioration

Naturally, with age, all materials break down, and the same is true for roofing shingles. The weight of snow, UV radiation, and constant exposure to heat accelerate the aging process of the shingles, making their lifespan shorter than expected. The adhesive material holding your shingles together may weaken over time leaving them vulnerable to easy removal.

Knowing what causes this phenomenon is vital to diagnosing existing problems on your roof and preventing future issues related to the shingles.

The Potential Consequences Of Ignoring Missing Shingles

While it may seem okay to put off the replacement of one or two missing shingles, it’s not a good choice, as leaving your roof for extended periods of time with gaps and holes diminishes its protective ability. Here are some of the consequences of putting off your shingle replacement: 

1. Water Leaks

Water Leaks

While one or two missing shingles may not seem like a huge problem, their absence can still lead to roof leaks. Water will easily enter through gaps or openings left by missing or uplifted shingles, leading to leaks inside your home, and damaging ceilings, walls, and insulation materials. 

2. Energy Inefficiency

Roofing shingles serve as a layer of insulation to regulate both the heat and cold entering your home. Missing or loose shingles means more energy is required to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, inevitably affecting your utility bills.

3. Reduced Property Value

If a roof is missing shingles, it looks unsightly, devaluing your property in the eyes of potential buyers. This is because leaving missing shingles without replacement not only indicates damage caused by weather but also a lack of maintenance on your part as a homeowner. A roof that’s not maintained properly depreciates the aesthetic appeal and market value of a house considerably.

4. Potential For Further Damage

Missing shingles leave the underlayment exposed to harsh weather, such as rain, wind, and snow, creating a gateway for further damage. Leaks are just the start of the problem, as they can lead to larger forms of damage such as wood rot, and contribute to the growth of mold and mildew, among several other structural challenges.

Therefore, by monitoring whether shingles are missing from your roof or not, you can help avert serious consequences by safeguarding not only your home’s structure but also your financial stability in the long run. 

A Step-By-Step Guide To Properly Replace Missing Shingles

Upon noticing missing shingles on your roof, you may want to prepare for a replacement. While hiring a professional is always the best option to ensure your shingles provide protection for years to come, here is a brief step-by-step guide for you to replace missing shingles yourself. 

Step 1. Get The Required Materials 

Make sure you have the necessary supplies at your disposal:

1. Replacement shingles

2. Utility knife

3. Roofing nails

4. A pry bar

5. A hammer

6. Roofing adhesive

When replacing roof shingles, you’ll want to choose the replacement shingles that match the existing ones. 

Step 2. Prepare The Replacement Shingle

  • Trim the new shingle to fit if necessary, using a utility knife to do so.
  • Round the corners of the replacement shingle to make it easier to slide into place.

Step 3. Install the New Shingle

  • Carefully slide the new shingle under the shingles above it, making sure it sits evenly with the shingles on either side.
  • Use at least four roofing nails, positioning them beneath the shingle above so that the nail heads will be covered.
  • Dab a small amount of roofing cement under the overlapping shingles to help seal the new shingle in place and prevent wind uplift.

Step 4. Seal and Check Your Work

  • Gently press down on the replacement shingle and the ones around it to ensure they lay flat.
  • Inspect your work, making sure there are no exposed nails and that the shingle is secure.

Will Insurance Cover the Replacement of Missing Shingles?

Understanding the ins and outs of your homeowner insurance policy can be an intimidating task, especially when it comes to storm damage, but it’s a necessary one. After a storm damages your roof and blows shingles off, you may be wondering if you can file a claim to cover the cost of replacing them. 

Insurance policies generally provide coverage for the damage storms cause to your roof as long as the events are sudden or unpredictable.  Storms, including hail and windstorms, are typically covered under standard insurance policies, but you should always check your own to be sure. However, if natural wear and tear and lack of maintenance are the ultimate cause of shingle loss, the replacements may not be covered.  

Contact Buffalo’s Best Roofing Company In WNY For Your Roof Replacement

If you notice your roof is missing shingles, then it’s time to take proactive measures and install new shingles in their place. As you know, missing shingles are one of the leading causes of roofing problems, and ignoring their absence will only reduce your property’s value and protection. Contact the skilled and professional team of roofers at Buffalo’s Best Roofing Company LLC for your roof replacement. Give us a call today at (716) 276-3673  and find out how we can help you.